Grieshaber Logistics Group reaches further milestones on the way to becoming a climate-neutral logistics company

In November 2024, Grieshaber Logistics Group AG's own fleet of trucks was expanded to include two more biogas-powered trucks. The two trucks will be used for shuttle transport between Hombourg and Rheinfelden as well as for regional transport at our sites in Biebesheim and Weiterstadt.

In addition, the average diesel consumption of our own truck fleet was further reduced, in particular through the ongoing renewal of our own fleet with more efficient drive technologies.

Overall, these measures will reduce the CO₂ emissions of our own fleet by a further 15%.

In spring 2025, we will put our first electric truck into operation at the Bad Säckingen site. We are building our own electric charging infrastructure at our Bad Säckingen site for this purpose.

Furthermore, the possibility of using HVO fuels in our own vehicle fleet was successfully tested. HVO is the abbreviation for “Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil”, a renewable diesel that is made from 100% renewable raw materials such as waste and residues. The CO₂ emissions of HVO are up to 90% lower than those of fossil diesel fuel.

Grieshaber Logistics Group AG's goal is to reduce the CO₂ emissions of its own truck fleet by 50% by 2030.

At Grieshaber Logistics Group AG, sustainability is an integral part of our strategy and a lived practice.


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