The Grieshaber Logistics Group AG has established a clearly organised and future-oriented management structure. The management team of Executive Team and heads of division is responsible for the various divisions and departments. The clear allocation of functions within the team ensures an efficient handling of management tasks.
Our divisions
- Health care solutions
- Industry solutions
- Marketing + PR
- Personal management
- Quality & regulatory affairs
- Security management
- Environmental management
- Information technology
- Engineering & purchasing
- Finance and accounting
Executive team of Grieshaber Logistics Group AG
Supervisory Board
Our Supervisory Board consists of four members: Dr. Thomas Trümper (Chairman), Kurt Grieshaber (Vice Chairman) André Dosé and Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster.
Dr.-Ing. Thomas Trümper
- Member of the Supervisory Board of Freicon AG, Freiburg
- Head of the Bundesverband PHAGRO e.V., Berlin
- Former CEO Alliance Healthcare Deutschland AG
- Former COO Phoenix Pharmahandel AG
- Former GF Kaltenbach GmbH
Kurt Grieshaber
- Chairman of the Board of Grieshaber Logistics Group AG
- President-directeur general of Grieshaber-France S.A.R.L.
- President of the Board of Directors of Grieshaber AG Switzerland
- Managing Director Caremexx GmbH
- Managing Director PLI Papier Logistik International GmbH
- President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Hochrhein-Bodensee 2001 to 2014
- Honorary President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Hochrhein-Bodensee since 2014
- Bearer of the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon
- Bearer of the Economic Medal of the State of Baden-Württemberg
- Bearer of the Silver Badge of Honour of the Waldshut District
André Dosé
- Entrepreneur & Business consultant
- Former CEO Gulf Air
- Former CEO SWISS
- Former CEO Crossair
- Certified pilot
- Awarded honorary doctorate from the European University Barcelona in Spain: Dr. h.c. in civil rights
Prof. Dr. Herbert Schuster
- CIO of SNP Schneider-Neureither & Partner SE (parent company of Innoplexia GmbH)
- Founder and Managing Director of Innoplexia GmbH
- Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at the SRH Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences
- Professor for business informatics at the SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
- Executive Board (COO) of SEEBURGER AG
- Managing Director of SAP subsidiary eSAP (headcount: 250 employees)
- Various positions at SAP AG in Walldorf, accompanying doctorate thesis to DSc.
- teaching at Berufsakademie Mannheim and working as a system architect at the City of Heidelberg
- Studies of mathematics and geography at the University of Heidelberg