Temperature-controlled warehousing in different temperature zones & Customs warehouse processing


Logistik Park Rhein-Main Biebesheim 

Customer Profile 
Companies from the field of research and development of new therapies and medical technologies

Project Implementation 

  • Global hub for country supply of pharmaceutical products. Temperature ranges: -20°C, 2-8°C and 15-25°C.
  • Fine picking including consolidation / consolidation of deliveries.
  • Active temperature-controlled shipping as well as use of complex passive systems.
  • Bonded warehouse handling, customs import & export clearance as well as pharmaceutical import according to §§72 & 73 AMG.
  • Serialisation including aggregation
  • Transport management
  • pharmaceutical destruction
  • Management of all consumables


  • Synergies from merging various warehouses and thus reducing costs and optimising processes in storage and distribution.
  • Increased flexibility and output performance
  • Reduction of process interfaces by merging order proccesing activities.
  • From consumables management and warehousing to transport planning and airfreight-safe shipping - everything from a single source.

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